Hey! Thanks for visiting my blog... My name is Michelle and I am in my 4th year studying Business Event Management in Dundalk Institute of Technology. Have a nose around and hope you enjoy what I have to say, leave comments if you wish...

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About Me

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Technology Fast

I took on the almost impossible (or so I thought) task of not using technology for 48 hours. So that means no mobile phone and no internet (which unfortunately means no facebook) for 2 whole days. The first thing I thought was this is going to be impossible, however after the hours went by I realized it is not that bad.

I started the technology fast at 2 p.m. once I arrived home after college on a Friday afternoon. I insured that I left my laptop back in my house in Dundalk so that I would not be tempted to go on the internet which is what I normally would do on a Friday evening at home. I am the type of person that my phone is constantly either in my hand or in my bag, so it is never too far away from met. So the first few hours of the fast were strange as a few times I found myself reaching in my bag to get my phone. So I put my mobile phone in a drawer in my room so that again I would not be tempted to use it.

The next day of the fast was surprisingly a lot easier. Even though I have to admit that I did miss my phone. I am always texting on my phone so to be without it was very strange. I had planned to meet a group of friends for dinner on the Saturday night so I informed them of my technology fast before I started on the Friday and we arranged the time and place to meet and if this time or place changed I gave them my sisters phone number so that can let me know that way if there was any changes. So therefore being without a phone is not the end of the world as there is other ways of contacting people. Being without my phone was definitely the hardest part of this fast. Doing without the internet was a lot easier than I thought. I thought I would find it difficult not checking my Facebook account for 2 days but it was not as bad as I originally thought.

I would recommend everyone try and do a technology fast even if its just for 24 hours. It is really a very interesting thing to try. Overall I found it relaxing, my phone was beeping every few minutes.