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Saturday 9 April 2011


After researching online I found this definition of Censorship "refers to the suppression of speech or writing that is considered to be a bad influence on society."

Censorship is normally imposed by the government. The content in some books and films may be censored because they might not be seen as acceptable in some countries.

I feel that censorship on the internet is very important. Almost everyone, of all ages, these days have access to the internet. It stops young people from gaining access to images that maybe inappropriate for them to see and also it prevents them from learning things that could harm themselves or others. I also found out that there is some cons of censorship such as: it may intrude on a persons privacy and also peoples freedom of speech can be compromised. Even though I believe that censorship is a good thing I came across and article online which talks about the pros and cons of censorship. If you look at this link you will see that there seems to be more cons in relation to censorship than there is pros. It states at the end of this article that "Used properly, censorship serves as a valuable tool. However, it can also be easily misused. Governments and other regulatory institutions must learn to use it judiciously." i completely agree with this statement. 

While researching censorship I came across this video which I feel explains censorship on the internet perfectly:

Overall I think that there is definitely both positive and negative side to censorship, but considering both sides I feel that censorship should be used but only were appropriate.