Hey! Thanks for visiting my blog... My name is Michelle and I am in my 4th year studying Business Event Management in Dundalk Institute of Technology. Have a nose around and hope you enjoy what I have to say, leave comments if you wish...

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About Me

Tuesday 8 March 2011

My Media Exposure

Every day you are exposed to media in some way or another, and it has become part of everyone's day to day lives. I am exposed to all different types of media, from television to the internet every day.

Looking at the different media I am exposed to every day I have to say that internet would be the highest percentage that i am exposed to on a daily and weekly basis. This would be due to using social networking sites and also getting research for college work. Internet takes up on average every week 40% of my media exposure. This is followed closely by television which takes up around 30% of my exposure time. What I find to be the media channels that I am least exposed to would be radio, magazines, billboards. Which all on average make up 10% each of my exposure time.

Peoples exposure to media has increased over the past few years. The chart below shows how much a group of 8-18 years media exposure has increased from 1999-2009. This shows that in 1999 people in this age group where exposed to, on a daily basis, 7 hours 29 minutes of media, which increased to 10 hours 45 minutes of media in 2009.

Also here is a link to an article that I found very interesting:

It talks about how alcohol companies are using the latest media technologies to reach young drinkers.

So there you have it, my media exposure. After thinking about this a lot I was very surprised as to how much media I am exposed too. It is actually quiet interesting when you think about it.