Hey! Thanks for visiting my blog... My name is Michelle and I am in my 4th year studying Business Event Management in Dundalk Institute of Technology. Have a nose around and hope you enjoy what I have to say, leave comments if you wish...

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About Me

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Web Standards

After researching web standards its clear to see that it has become very important over the past few years. I feel that this is a very important issue and as the internet is being used by almost everyone these days. So therefore the world wide web should be accessible by everyone even if they have a disability such as blindness.An article written by Sheryl Burgstahler states "Information on a web site for the public is meant to be viewed by others; it makes sense that all visitors can access its content."
I found an excellent definition of Web Standards which defines web standards as: Standardized specifications for Internet markup languages such as HTML, CSS, and XML. Formulated by the W3 organization, these standards enable people to create websites that will work in almost any browser or internet-enabled device, instead of being specific to certain versions of Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator.

Webs standards is very important in my opinion as it allows the world wide web to be accessible to everyone. If a web site does not have these standardized specifications then people with visual impairment may not be able to see the graphics, people with a hearing impairment may not be able to hear audio that you have on your website, and also if your web site is poorly laid out and not easy to navigate through it then people who have a learning disability or who does not have English as their native  language then they might find it difficult to view a certain website.
So all in all, I feel that anyone who is setting up web site should take in to consideration web standards. Everyone no matter if they have a disability or not should be able to view your web site. Also the more people who can view your web site the better it can be for your business etc.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Rag Week in DKIT

Raise and Give Week (RAG Week) took place in Dundalk Institute of Technology from the 28th February to the 4th March. The main purpose of RAG Week is to raise money for charity. The main charity for this years RAG Week was SoSad in Dundalk. Every year the students union along with the majority of students raise thousands for different charities. Last years rag week raised €8,000 for 2 charities:
  • Friends of Sruthan House, Dundalk- who received €5,000 of the money raised
  • The Bubble Gum Club in Dun Laoghaire- who received €3,000 of the money raised
The link below shows a newspaper article that was published in the Dundalk Democrat about RAG Week 2011:

This just goes to show that RAG Week, which takes place in the majority of colleges and universities around Ireland, is not all about students getting drunk all week, it is all for a good cause.

This years RAG week was a huge success, and I will like to say well done to David and James in the students union. They offered a fun-filled week for us students to enjoy. And by the responses I am hearing from everyone, it was one of the best RAG Week by far. Below is a video that was produced to promote RAG Week 2011, and in my opinion it promotes it really well.

Over the years RAG Weeks across the country have been given a bad reputation due to certain students behavior. However I feel that this can balanced out by the true meaning of the week which is to raise money for charity.

Social Network/ Social Media

A lot of attention is given to social networking sites these days. People use it to communicate with there friends, businesses use it target their customers. More and more people join social networking sites, such as Facebook and my space, everyday. People of all ages use social networking sites to communicate with their friends and family.

Social networking to me is very important. It helps me stay in contact with family and friends who have moved to a different country because of the current economic climate. It is also a great way for met to keep in contact with old school friends and see what they have been up to over the years since I have not seen them. Being able to see pictures the uploaded of things they have been up to and places they have seen interests me.

Every time that I access the internet, I always have to check my Facebook page. I normally go on check my news feed to see what people are up to and what new pictures my friends have put up, and to de-tag myself from the awful ones that my so called friends decide to tag me in.

I found an interesting graph of the different ages of people on Facebook:

This goes to show the wide variety of ages of people who use Facebook, and more than likely other social networking sites.

In my opinion social networking has become a big part in most peoples lives, weather they like to admit it or not. Obviously the main social network site that people use is Facebook. Hence why the majority of business have set up a Facebook page to advertise to their target market. This goes to show how Facebook and other social networking sites have revolutionised how, not only people but business communicate.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

My Media Exposure

Every day you are exposed to media in some way or another, and it has become part of everyone's day to day lives. I am exposed to all different types of media, from television to the internet every day.

Looking at the different media I am exposed to every day I have to say that internet would be the highest percentage that i am exposed to on a daily and weekly basis. This would be due to using social networking sites and also getting research for college work. Internet takes up on average every week 40% of my media exposure. This is followed closely by television which takes up around 30% of my exposure time. What I find to be the media channels that I am least exposed to would be radio, magazines, billboards. Which all on average make up 10% each of my exposure time.

Peoples exposure to media has increased over the past few years. The chart below shows how much a group of 8-18 years media exposure has increased from 1999-2009. This shows that in 1999 people in this age group where exposed to, on a daily basis, 7 hours 29 minutes of media, which increased to 10 hours 45 minutes of media in 2009.

Also here is a link to an article that I found very interesting:

It talks about how alcohol companies are using the latest media technologies to reach young drinkers.

So there you have it, my media exposure. After thinking about this a lot I was very surprised as to how much media I am exposed too. It is actually quiet interesting when you think about it.